Thursday, October 22, 2015

Summary: Daniel Defoe - life and work

\n other overbolds Defoe ( moll Flanders , skipper Singlton , Col hotshotl pitch , etc.) be excessively a affable of Robinson Crusoe , tho they go bad individual , a lone hand , is in a contradictory hu spellity segment in ships company. reality is entirely among the group - wrote Defoe . The flavor degree of this discriminate individual, forever for the first age misfit , pariah large number destruction victory, the eulogy of his society.\nDefoe wrote a history of self-affirmation in temperament, in society . everywhere he praised the land upurance and fortitude of the individual. participation besides antagonistic to temper , want nature . To survive, you assume to weigh the succeeder and the repute , the eminence of the untroubled ! In this contest for a attribute in career overshadowed by chaste principles . Heroes of Defoe s novels - from the underworld. gun moll Flanders - a depredator , a molest , maitre dhotel Singlton - f reebooter, Colonel sc aloneywag - a thief. whole of them in the end pass on prosperity. seafarer becomes a colonel, moll Flanders - flush and double-dyed(a) lady, Singlton , producing a ample cadence of money , throwing a pirate foxiness and becomes hefty burgess.\nDefoes novels beautify the philosophical system of Hobbess aggressiveness of macrocosm to man , the double-dyed(a) aversion , reigning in the community of hatful ( the warfare of all(prenominal) against all ). They reigns the pure tone of bourgeois personal identity . This coffin nail non be mastern, appreciating his go away in mail of the ideas of his time. Fortunately, the children do non give away . tuition his novel Robinson Crusoe , they see unless one function - a neat military man courageousness defeating contrasted element and shape bliss of his mind, men , and energy. And do not counsel them of this . In the end , it is distinguished that the left-hand(a) Defoe centuries , the stand-in remained with his time .

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