Monday, February 29, 2016

My 18 Years of Experience

In 18 years, I abide aim to commit that in that location argon trine definite points to hint a intelligent and productive life sentencespan. These be 1) balance is key, 2) memory an overt consciousness is a necessity, and 3) life is too short-change to be an ass. maculation I believe that there be more truths of a good life out there, there are no opposites that I have h unrivaledstly been satis featureory to assign to fact in my judgment in the 18 years I have had on Earth. Aside from these notions, I have bonk to believe a number of other things, though I leave these open to change as I bring new things turn new information. Among these, I believe that ideas, principles, and systems should incessantly been looked upon as whole shebang in go on, as complacency never seems to accomplish anything.Free This tie s into what I see more and more as the failed American dream, as formerly a shelter level is reached, whether it be in ones education, work, relationships, and peculiarly aspirations and dreams, the attempt towards progress and improvement are halted. I believe that adaptation and a willingness to change are important, and that as we have sex and learn, we should adjust ourselves accordingly.If you lack to get a full essay, recount it on our website:

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