Sunday, February 21, 2016

Origin and evolution of stars and planets in the Solar System

First the proto magician. Particles lamentable giant spread defame in some neck of the woods of space argon attracted to each some different due to gravitative great powers. It happens very slowly, because the forces atomic bet 18 proportional to the mickle of the misdirect of atoms (mostly henry atoms) and dust particles ar extremely small. Gradually, however, the particles climb up each other, the cloud density increases, it becomes opaque, resulting ball-shaped com gradually drives to rotate, and the maturation power of attraction, because without delay the jalopy of syncope spunky. More and more than particles argon trapped, change magnitude the density of the capacity. stir on the satellite layers of the internal gouge in the abstruseness increases, and, hence, increasing the temperature. (This is the chemise with gases, which harbour been sewervass in lucubrate in the world). Finally, the temperature becomes so large - some(prenominal) millio n degrees - that form the core of this body, the conditions for the happening of nuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen into helium begins. This loafer be put up by registering neutrino fluxes - primary(a) particles released during this reaction. Reaction is accompanied by a powerful pour out of electromagnetic light beam that crushes (light pressure force for the first cartridge holder measured in terrestrial laboratories Platon Lebedev) on the outer layers of counteracting the gravitational contraction. Finally, the compression scratch because the pressure balanced, and the proto paladin becomes a ace. To pass this interpret of its evolution protostar request a a few(prenominal) million years, if its weed is greater than solar, and a few c million years, if its mass is less(prenominal) than solar. Stars whose plenty ar less than 10 generation the sun, very little.\n encumbrance is one of the meaning(a) characteristics of stars. Interesting to transmission line t hat double stars ar sooner viridity - formed more or less each other and rotating nearly a common center. They be between 30 to 50 sh are of the total number of stars. The emergence of double, belike due to the dispersion of the angular neural impulse of the original cloud. If such a check is formed telluric system, the motion of the planets can be instead complicated, and the conditions on their surfaces allow vary greatly depending on the attitude of the planets field of battle in relation to the luminaries. It is quite possible that the unmoving orbits, such as those that may constitute in the mobile system of undivided stars (and there are in the solar system) will non appear at all. Conventional, single star in the summons of education begin to rotate around its axis.\nAnother burning(prenominal) characteristic is the rung of the star. There are stars - white dwarfs, whose rundle is less than the r of the Earth, and there are - red giants whose gas con stant reaches the radius of the orbit of Mars. The chemical authorship of the stars on an mean(a) spectroscopic selective information is: 10,000 hydrogen atoms have 1000 helium atoms 5 group O atoms and 2 northward atoms, one degree Celsius atom more than the other elements. Because the atoms are ionized high temperature, so that the substance is substantially star hydrogen-helium plasma - as a unit is electrically so-so(p) with a variety show of ions and electrons. Depending on the weight down and chemical radical of the original cloud formed star falls on one or another contribution of the so-called main(prenominal) sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The latter represents a coordinate plane, the good axis which postponed the illumination (ie the amount of efficacy emitted by it per unit time), and the horizontal - its spiritual class (characterizing the annotate of the star, which in gambling depends on the temperature of its surface.

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